Dorotheen Quartier

Stuttgart, Germany, 2017

In September 2017, the Stuttgart fashion house, Breuninger, celebrated the completion of Dorotheen Quartier, located behind Karlsplatz an...

Gardens by the Bay

Singapore, Singapore, 2012

Transsolar has been consulting the client National Parks Board throughout the project over the past 7 years, starting from the basic deve...

ADAC Headquarter

Munich, Germany, 2011

The high-rise facade consists of composite fixed window glazing elements made of insulated glass and an external single glazing, which en...

Cloudscapes, Architektur Biennale

Venedig, 2010

Transsolar + Tetsuo Kondo Transsolar installation “cloudscapes“ designed in cooperation with Tetsuo Kondo was a walkable cloud visuali...

Klimahaus® Bremerhaven 8° Ost

Bremerhaven, Germany, 2009

The architectural design for the Edutainment Center is a transparent, freestanding glass envelope wrapping arround the internal concrete ...

Manitoba Hydro Downtown Office

Winnipeg, Canada, 2009

In downtown Winnipeg, this innovative office environment combines a parkade, a 3-story podium, containing offices, restaurants and retail...

Masdar City Master Plan

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2008

As member of the design team - consisting of the architects, traffic planners, infrastructure and renewable energy systems engineers and ...

Zollverein School

Essen, Germany, 2006

As a base for the integrated energy and comfort concept for any project, we research all local site and boundary conditions. This include...

Lycée Charles de Gaulle

Damascus, Syria, 2006

For the new French School in Damascus Transsolar was asked to work with architects Atelier Lion to develop a climate concept attuned to t...

Posttower Deutsche Post AG

Bonn, Germany, 2002

The representative administration building has is located on a site close-by the river bank of the Rhine River and is composed of a 40-st...