Multi-Sport Pavilion and Classroom Complex -…

Pozuelo, Madrid, Spanien, 2016

Designed for the campus of the Francisco de Vitoria University, in Pozuelo (Madrid), the building will house a sports center and a classr...

Raumplan house

Aravaca, Madrid, Spanien, 2015

2+2+2 IS MUCH MORE THAN JUST 6 A Raumplan house. The house is located on a sloping plot with a landscape of...

House of the infinite

Cádiz, Spanien, 2014

On a marvelous place like a piece of earthly paradise, at Cádiz, we have built an infinite plane facing the infinite sea, th...

Offices for Junta Castilla León

Zamora, Spanien, 2012

In collaboration with Pablo Fernández Lorenzo, Pablo Redondo Díez, Alfonso González Gaisán and Fran...

The MA: Andalucia´s Museum Memory

Granada, Spanien, 2009

We would like to make “the most beautiful building” for the Museo de la Memoria de Andalucía (Andalusia’s Museum...

Between Cathedrals

Cádiz, Spanien, 2009

The project “Between Cathedrals” seeks to create an intervention worthy of the most significant location in the history of Ca...

Rufo House

Toledo, Spanien, 2009

The brief was to build a house on a hilltop outside of the city of Toledo. The hill faces southwest and offers interesting views of the d...

Moliner House

Zaragoza, Spanien, 2008

To build a house for a poet. To make a house for dreaming, living and dying. A house in which to read, to write and to think. We r...

Olnick Spanu House

New York, USA, 2008

The place is of profound tranquility where after a day of rain and fog an intense light reflects in the stilled mirror of the majestic Hu...

Daycare Center for Benetton

Treviso, 2007

We built a square box composed of nine smaller squares. The center square emerges to bring light from the heights of the vestibule. The c...

DBJC House, Conil

Cádiz, Spanien, 2005

The project is an oceanfront house on the “Roche” beach in Conil, Cadiz. We built horizontal spaces that, set ...

Caja Granada

Granada, Spanien, 2001

A large cube is built on top of a podium flanked by two courtyards. The parking areas, archives and Data Processing Center are acc...